My hands reach out,
yet fall too short.
My heart takes a leap,
but is betrayed.
I lean to grasp my chance,
but feel defeated
as I watch others
push through me
to get to the finish line.
I fall back,
into the middle.
No longer above average.
Experience, skill,
stamina, and brains
pass me in the race,
smirking at me
mocking me.
I try and try,
and try.
I am expected to be
up there
ahead of others
above average.
I am compared
with Them.
And that comparison
steals my joy and my hope.
Yet I still try and try
to reach
the light I probably
will never touch.
yet fall too short.
My heart takes a leap,
but is betrayed.
I lean to grasp my chance,
but feel defeated
as I watch others
push through me
to get to the finish line.
I fall back,
into the middle.
No longer above average.
Experience, skill,
stamina, and brains
pass me in the race,
smirking at me
mocking me.
I try and try,
and try.
I am expected to be
up there
ahead of others
above average.
I am compared
with Them.
And that comparison
steals my joy and my hope.
Yet I still try and try
to reach
the light I probably
will never touch.