A soft frown pulls at my lips,
Laying across my overly caked up skin.
The flat, dying pool of obsidian
That I call my eyes curdle with disappointment.
For a second,
A flicker of emotion pass through them,
But before I could waste time analyzing it,
The heavy wall of emptiness falls in place,
A dam,
Successfully blocking the flood of emotions that
Start to filter in from god knows where.
Heavy earrings weigh down my ears
And an ostentatious necklace mirroring
The same hue of the blood pumping through
My choked veins
Rests against my taut throat.
The voice in my head,
The one that never fails to leave,
Claws in again to taunt me.
It’s time.
The invisible curtain lifts and the
Blinding spotlight centers me.
My turned down lips flip up,
A picture perfect smile gracing my face.
I straighten my dress and stand tall,
Walking away from the mirror
With a confidence and elegance
I most certainly do not believe.
But humans are gullible,
Feed them enough lies and
They’ll gobble it up ever so greedily
To a point where they’re drugged on it,
Expecting more time after time.
But my selfishness overpowers any morality
As the need for their approval
And smiles, regardless of their falsity
Becomes an addiction.
I shove my anxieties in the deepest pits of my soul,
And a gilded lilt enters my conversations,
Sweetness oozing from every word.
I flit from crowd to crowd,
A sway to my movements
That deceives even the best con artists.
A little wave here and a
Peppy “hello” there
And I’m set.
I bask in the acceptance,
The pain of the act becoming
Mere collateral damage.
The same grating voice reminds me that
The mirror I face everyday is the only thing
That sees me,
Knows me,
Acknowledges me,
The real me,
But then again,
Beggars can’t be choosers can they?
With that thought I saunter further into the lion's den,
Playing an intricate game of poker with my sanity.
Wow Awesome Shreya